Zen Bassmasters LLC

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Preparing for the Voyage of the Ardent Citadel

Ardent Citadel, Ardent Towing and Demolition’s Fortune class fleet carrier taking on supplies at L 190-12

A Journey begins March 24!

Ardent Towing and Demolition, the space-based arm of the Zen Bassmasters, has finally obtained a Fleet Carrier and is planning a galactic walkabout to last several months. The purpose of the journey is simply to explore what’s out there and have a few adventures. You know, the usual stuff involving dirt naps on alien worlds with triumphant plant life loitering over the wreckage.

The journey will begin March 24, 2022 (or March 24, 3022 for you ED purists) with a series of jumps that will take us approximatly 2,500 light years from the “Bubble,” the cradle of civilized space centered on Sol. Each week (or two weeks or more depending on what we feel like doing) we’ll make another 2,500 ly jump series along our planed route.

At each stop our pilots can hop off the carrier and explore the surroundings. We are hopefully going through uncharted territory so there should be many “First Discovered” flags in the offing. After each excursion our pilots can return to the carrier to cash in on their disocveries and retire to the bar where Lunas has thoughtfully provided Hutton Orbital Mugs and Centrari Mega Gin.

The projected path of the Ardent Citadel through the Galaxy over the next six to eight months.

The projected path is approximatly 65,000 light years and will take us past nebula, unexplored voids between the spiral arms, a rendezvous with a Deep Space Support Association carrier run by cats (the Meow Force One), on to a growing remote outpost of humanity called Colinia, up to the top of the Galaxy for a spectacular view, and then on to the growling, violent heart of it all.

This will be a laid back fishing trip kind of atmosphere. We’re not in a hurry and we’re just out to enjoy the trip.

The trip has been financed thanks to the sacrifice of hundreds of pirates who valiantly (and insanely) throw themselves again the Ardent Wall, a heavily engineered Type-10 Defeender that exists for the purpose of killing pirates while the pirate reads a book and listens to his tunes, thusly:

So come along! All are welcome to join the Ardent Citadel on her voyage. Our ultimate destination will be the Sagittarius A* supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy, something every explorer needs to see at least once!

Check in with us in our Discord (linked in the socials above) to get started, and hope to see you aboard!

IMPORTANT: If you wish to join us, have your ship docked aboard the Ardent Citadel at L 190-12 before March 24, 2022. We will announce each jump time in our Discord.

CMDR Markus Amarper for Ardent Towing and Demolition, a branch of the Zen Bassmasters