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The Fall of The Scions

Sad times

This Saturday, August 21, I began my day changing my game’s display resolution from 4K to 1080P so that my display matches output resolution to twitch.  This forced me to have to resize and move elements from my HUD around.  It took forever!  After all of that technical stuff I started doing main story quests because my goal for this weekend was to make it to the Heavensward expansion.  Most of the quests during this period involved cutscenes so they were very time consuming but by the end of the night I had made it to another primal battle.  I had to defeat the ancient dragon god Midgardsormr!  It was a tough battle but I defeated him but it was at a cost.  He was so powerful that he took away the blessings of light that the goddess, Hydaelyn, had bestowed on me! I am now longer the Warrior of Light! My Echo is gone!  To top it all off I have the spirit of Midgardsormr haunting me and speaking to me!  Somewhere right before this whole battle my streaming broadcast quit unexpectedly and my viewers did not get to see the battle.  It was at this point that I ended the questing because I had promised a friend I would play Mario Tennis with him and that time was quickly approaching. 

Dancing at the club

I did have some time so I decided to explore the housing area to enter people’s houses and see how they have decorated so that I can get some ideas. I went through 4 or 5 and then I entered one and was in for a huge surprise! I was greeted at the door by a bouncer.  I had discovered a club.  After investigating further I discovered that the basement floor was packed with people dancing on a lighted dance floor and there was a stage with dancers in skimpy clothing.  I investigated even further and discovered that all around the dance floor in various seating areas and in hotties where women and a few men with symbols next to their names.  I spoke to one and I had my answer.  Those were courtesans.  I had found ERP (I’ll let you figure out what that means) on FFXIV.  Folks can spend a lot of Gil (currency) in this club!  After seeing the price list I couldn’t even purchase a smile.  LOL.  At this point I left because that isn’t my type of activity anyway.

I finished Saturday night losing 3 Mario Tennis matches and winning one against my friend Jason Smith.

Mourning Moenbryda

Sunday was a long day.  I did not stream but I did play FFXIV.  The main story quest were amazing this day.  I had more reading to do than fighting but wow is the story good. I am going to sum it up.  Moenbryda died while helping to find a way to destroy the Ascians who think they are immortal bad guys. Things got even more grim throughout Sunday.  By the end of the night I had been accused of killing the Sultana of Uldah, the rest of the scions were labeled as conspirators and accessories to the crime, during the escape I was the only one to make it out. The others are either dead or captured. I figure at least two are dead.  The Grand Company I helped form turned against us and now I don’t even have a place that I can call a base of operations. I have been taken in by the folks at Camp Dragonhead.  Some good came out of everything earlier in the day I had helped fend off a dragon attack at the gates of Ishgard from one of Midgardsormr’s children.  This has earned me good favor with the Ishgardians.  It looks like next weekend I will finally start the Heavensward expansion and continue the story by traveling to Ishgard and making it my base of operations. How will I prove my innocence and get the other scions back?  Were Teledji and Loloritto the masterminds behind the plan that got me and the scions in this position.  It seems so.

Once again thanks to you for reading this meditation!
