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Voyage of the Ardent Citadel Week 14: The day that changed everything

It’s hard to believe that in a galaxy as vast and vibrant as our own Milky Way that one old man’s hubris can shake it to the core. And yet, at least with regards to the lives of trillions of sentient beings that occupy a small corner of it, this day has come.

Salvation has unleashed his Monster and we are all now paying the price of the misdeeds of a man who would play God. We all saw it live, then we all watched in growing horror the aftermath. Heroic pilots rescuing survivors, fighting for their very lives. The Thargoids unleashed and angry, run amok, daggers in the night. I think I speak for all of us aboard the Ardent Citadel when I say we are horrified, humbled and dumbstruck by the stupidity of it all.

The view of explorers tens of thousands of lights years away means little to those in charge, but they well could have benefited from our perspective. Many within the bubble realized the folly of what Salvation was attempting and tried to stop him as best they could, but many more blindly helped. I’m ashamed of our peoples, our cultures, our greed, our blindness. What was manageable friction between two alien species is now something far more deadly for both.

How do we move forward? My crew is divided, our partner CMDRs in debate. For now, the AC will continue it’s scheduled exploration jumps. But soon, I fear, we have to pick a side amidst internal strife. Salvation not only enrage the Thargoids, he’s divided humanity against itself.

I’m not a religious man, but I know we don’t NEED salvation. We never did. We don’t need guidance from upon high, rather humanity needs a good dose of humility. We need to remember the simple wisdom we teach our children to share and not to steal. Or kill... The few of us who don’t learn that lesson we used to call criminals. Now we call them saviors?

Ah! It does no good to ruminate. For now I have a crew to keep alive and together and CMDRs who need a goal. We are still explorers, but thanks to this so called Salvation what we seek may soon be changing.

In lighter news, one of our explorers, CMDR Tyrguld Marlsun, made a remarkable discovered. A moon with nine unique life signatures: Dryoi Prause GC-U D3-287 ABC 1 E Unfortunately, Tyr was in a hurry to return to the carrier and could not fully explore the moon, but we leave the location here for others.