Zen Bassmasters LLC

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Voyage of the Ardent Citadel Week 15—Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

The Ardent Citadel performed three jumps to arrive in Dryoi Pri KN-T e3-2766, a fairly unremarkable system with two stars, a Class B and a Class F, and one gas giant. Our explorers spread out as per normal, although events back in the bubble are not far from any of our minds.

One of our explorers, CMDR Gelubii Pelubii, has discovered a remarkable collection of gas giants in Dryoi Pri IM-W F1-1101, a black hole system with a very unique feature—one massive gas giant ordited by six other smaller gas giants! In all my years I have not encountered such a thing—brown dwarves orbited by gas giants, yes, but not such a close orbiting collection of multi-earth mass billiard balls, so close they are all clearly visible from one another.

Given that the parent star is a black hole the only light available is the ambient light of the nearby galactic core, but he result is still spectacular. CMDR Gelubii Pelubii has taken to calling the formation “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” as the parent gas giant (950 EM) is co-orbiting with a super-earth ice world (~9 EM).

We will continue our exploration next Thursday assuming no further calamity befalls the peoples of the Milky Way.