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Voyage of the Ardent Citadel Week 4

Ardent Citadel: Week 4 Summary

On April 22, 3308, the fleet carrier executed five jumps to travel 2,500 light years and arrived on station at Flyoa Eaec HB-V b7-1, a system with a single Class M star and no other notable bodies approximately 12,500 ly from the bubble. 690 units of tritium fuel consumed, all jumps completed normally.

One notable incident occurred on the carriers third jump of the night when it landed between two active stars framed by distant nebula. A truly magnificent sight.

We continue to transit through an area populated by stellar clusters and nebula. Some of our explorers have taken advantage of this to enjoy the scenery.

Thanks to CMDRs Gelubii Pelubii, Tioneal and Otis D. Blake for their contributions this week!

The Ardent Citadel will depart for its next stop, Zejiae PJ-G b15-2, on April 29, 3308.

#oldgamersnewhope #elitedangerous #elitedangerousexploration #ardentc