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Voyage of the Ardent Citadel Week 3

Ardent Citadel: Week 3 Summary

On April 15, 3308, the fleet carrier executed give jumps to travel 2,500 light years and arrived on station at Flyeia Hypa LS-I d10-15, a system with a single Class M star and no other notable bodies. 690 units of tritium fuel consumed, all jumps completed normally.
We have entered an area surrounded by picturesque nebula, some emission and some dark. There are numerous stellar clusters within a few hundred light years of the next several stops.

One of CMDR Gelubii Pelubii’s screenshots was featured this week on the weekly official Elite Dangerous stream among several Stellar Screenshots. Congratulations to CMDR Gelubii Pelubii and we hope our commanders continue to share the fantastic and wonderous scenes they encounter in their travels.

Thanks to CMDRs Gelubii Pelubii and Otis D. Blakefor their contributions this week!

The Ardent Citadel will depart for its next stop, Flyua Eaec HB-V b7-1 in the Temple region, on April 22, 3308.

#oldgamersnewhope #elitedangerous #elitedangerousexploration #ardentc