Zen Bassmasters LLC

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Voyage of the Ardent Citadel Week 2

Ardent Citadel: Week 2 Summary

On April 1, 3308, the fleet carrier executed give jumps to travel 2,500 light years and arrived on station at Drojo IB-M c24-0, a system with a single Class M star, two ringed gas giants and numerous smaller bodies. 750 units of tritium fuel consumed, all jumps completed normally.

Due to scheduling conflicts, fewer of our CMDRs were able to extensively explore the region surrounding Drojo IB-M c24-0, however several notable finds were made. A new “Notable Stellar Anomaly” was discovered in system Drojo QH-L C24-4. The anomaly resides in one of the legrange points of a companion star to the system’s primary and consists of a collection of mettaic debris and gasses that have been inhabited by hardened interstellar bacterium. Over eons the bacterium have acculmulated meterial from the clouds into very large crystalyn structures reminiscent of similar looking structures found in caves. CMDR Gelubii Pelubii took several photographs of the formation and many are included here.

Thanks to CMDRs Gelubii Pelubii, Otis D. Blake and Joe Pollouk for their contributions this week!

The Ardent Citadel will depart for its next stop, Gru Dryiae LS-F b16-0, on April 1, 3308.