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Voyage of the Ardent Citadel Week 6

Ardent Citadel: Week 6 Summary

On May 6, 3308, the fleet carrier executed four jumps to travel 2,000 light years and arrived on station at Clookao ZG-L b25-0, a star system with a single class K star. The system is approximately 16,500 light years from the bubble. Approximately 500 units of tritium consumed, all jumps completed normally.

Next week the carrier will arrive in the vacinity of the Grea Hypooe AA-A H44 nebula, an absorbing nebula approximatly 150 ly across. The nebula should occupy about half the sky from the position the carrier will take, providing a stunning view.

Thanks to CMDRs Tserof, Tioneal, and Otid D. Blake for this week’s screenshots.

The Ardent Citadel will deart for its next stop, Grea Hypooe ZE-E c13-0, on May 13, 3308.