Voyage of the Ardent Citadel Week 8

On May 20, 3308, the fleet carrier executed one jump to travel 1,750 light years and arrived on station at Grea Hypooe Xy-R B21-0 4a, a star system with a single class K star, numerous gas giants and two co-orbiting water worlds, one of which is a terraforming candidate. The carrier is in orbit of the smaller of the two water worlds, where our crew is enjoying the down time to shuttle down and get some fishing in.

This system features a double overlaping Tritium hotspot in the rings of Grea Hypooe Xy-R B21-0 12, a gas giant about 2,500 ls away from the primary star. While the overlap is there the location is so distant as to be nearly pitch black, making mining more challenging that normal.

Mining operations are progressing slowly, and it may take several weeks to fully refuel before we can proceed. The problem is that our explorers… well, they want to explore rather than mine, or at least they want fishing. Once the reality that their ride is stuck until they put the time in to stuff the coal hoppers, as it were, I anticipate we will remain here and more fully explore the region.

No jump is planned for next week unless the fuel situation suddenly improves.

Rather than a screenshot galery we offer the mining tutorial CMDR Markus Amarper recorded this week.


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