Sorry for the Delay
We have a saying in the ZBs: Real Life Trumps Game. As I’ve been working long hours the past couple of months I have not had time to either game as much as I’d like nor update this site. Hopefully circumstances have changed enough that I can do both (a little bit more anyway).
My plan is to resume posting our Saturday Night Gaming sessions, but rather than flood you with two months worth of games I’ll post a couple of weeks at a time until we’re caught up.
We have also resumed the Voyage of the Ardent Citadel after a weeks long layover in Colonia for refuel and resupply. I’ll attempt to post logs about that as well and resume submitting some of our screenshots to the Elite Dangerous Stellar Screenshot competition.
RLTG, everyone, that is the rule, but do try to get some gaming in when you can.
Gel / Markus / et. al